Friday, August 6, 2010

we found an apartment!!!

In the East Village! With an elegant private terrace and brick accented walls! Gah! I am so, so, sooo relieved, since the past three weeks have been incredibly, dramatically stressFUL, with an emphasis on the FULL. Between balancing a full time job and apartment hunting (which itself is a full time job) and trying to keep sane, there hasn't been much else on my mind for the past month. Only this week have things finally wrapped up: work project - done; apartment -done; keeping sane - surprisingly successful.

Naturally, I'm moving on to the next big thing: decorating! My roommates Emily and Kelly and I have the same aesthetic taste -- shabby chic, artful, cozy -- so I know this apartment's going to get a lot of love. We've lived together before, so we're kind of pros at this now. (Just see exhibit A and exhibit B.)

We're moving in September, but until then, I will be browsing a bajillion antique stores and of course surfing Anthropologie online for inspiration.... !

(Photos via Anthropologie)

EDIT: Oh man, I spoke too soon! The East Village apartment fell through (the tenant changed their mind and refused to leave and is being taken to court! Eviction in NYC is pretty darned impossible) so we moved into our second choice, a cute three-bedroom in Little Italy. Still very happy, relocation and all!


  1. wow! sounds amazing. And having only recently discovered Anthropologie, I'm extra jealous that you get to shop there AND live in NY. Some people have it all!

  2. oooo congratulations!! great location and the details sound lovely, happy prepping :-)

  3. Yay! Congratulations! That's so great!

    And I can't wait to see your decorating decisions!

  4. Thanks girls! I'm feeling very lucky, and can't wait to share more apartment updates!

  5. ohhhh yay i can't wait to visit again :D

  6. congrats! that is so exciting! can't wait to see pictures! I know it'll be just gorgeous.

  7. Seriously? Are these photos already your belongings/demonstration of style? If so, can I move in?? Hee hee. In any case, congratulations! (Phew)

  8. Sounds lovely- Mazel Tov-

    Love Anthro too-

    That yellow couch is pretty amazing.

    Nice to meet you and great blog.


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