Friday, March 8, 2013

the MTA's poetry in motion

The MTA New York City subway might be one of the most uncomfortable places in the city -- there's trash and grime in every corner, rats running up and down the tracks, and too many people. But then I saw my first Poetry in Motion poster in a subway car a few months ago, and my perceptions shifted. Leaving the subway actually put me in a better mood. Here's why...

Poetry in Motion is genius. Just a few beautiful words, but extremely influential to a person's psyche. Why? Its effects are transversal because poetry is so relational. Words are personal -- when I read little snippets on the subway, I can't help but ache to know the full story and the characters. (Poems are like little ellipses... you know there's always more to be said.)

Sure, it's also nice to be staring at something other than a cheesy ad on plastic surgery or accidentally making eye contact for too long with fellow passengers. But I bet you they're also thinking about the story behind the poem.

(See the full collection of Poetry in Motion here. Photos via the MTA.)

1 comment:

  1. I'll be honest, I don't get poetry. I like things spelled out to me. I'm so inspired by people who understand and enjoy poetry, though. :-)


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