Sunday, January 22, 2012

4 steps to fight the winter blues

Phew, there is nothing like being sick for a week to make you feel like a helpless little baby again. You go to bed super early and subsist on a diet of liquids! I basically drank soup & ginger tea and slept all week. Hello, instant rejuvenation! A few simple ideas to help fight the winter blues...

Step 1: Settle into a comfy and warm place.
For me, that would be my bed or our super cozy papasan chair.
Step 2: Get thyself a cute mug or bowl.
I just bought this cats mug from Fishs Eddy for my friend Amy, who is a new mom to her kitty Mona. Such an instant cheerer upper!

As for bowls, my roommate Alex and I love the ergonomic design of these Buddha Bowls.

Step 3: Help yourself to your favorite soup.
This graupensuppe (German barley soup) looks delicious and is a great source of fiber. (And a mushroom barley soup sounds great too. I love barley, clearly.)

Step 4: Hot beverages are your new best friend.
I like ginger tea (and if I'm desperate, hot water boiled with pieces of ginger) because it relieves the sinuses. But for something a little more fun, a hot toddy is a classic choice. (Whisky, honey, hot water, and lemon juice.... so delicious.)

Are you feeling cozy yet? Winter's got nothing on this!

(photos via 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


  1. Hot toddy, ftw!!! :) Love this post. Those Buddha bowls are fantastic.

  2. Great tips! I love a good cute cup :) I have quite a few :) and I love the shape of the buddha bowls!

    Love, Vanilla


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