Monday, January 11, 2010

feeling chatty

It's almost 2AM and my mind feels like a static ball, lingering on everything but rest. And sleep. Ack! (Come on brain, envision a dark night sky... or pretend you're in a coma, darn it!) I guess it's understandable as I have been in bed all day with stomach sickness, which I blame on last night's hot pot dinner. (Remind me, dear readers, to stop getting impatient and eating food before they're fully cooked*.)

I slept all day clutching my stomach and then woke up as the sun was setting for a cup of tea. Probably not the best idea to drink caffeine so late, but I bought a new kettle and it was lonely.

Now is the time that I am also in complete, life-consuming nesting mode for my upcoming move-back-to-NYC-after-8-months day. (Yes, it's been that long, I feel like I'm in city-withdrawal labor.) I hit up my dry cleaning lady and scoured TJ Maxx for delightful but unnecessary apartment trinkets (picture frames, a flowery blue mug, a cool glass mosaic vase, another pillow, etc. etc.).

I even wrapped up all of my hometown affairs: Catch-up with high school friends? Check. Watch lots of TV and gossip about said high school friends still in hometown affairs? Check.

Buy jeggings? Check... They were a bargain and actually looked good! Give a girl a break. (The trick is more jean, less legging. Think skinny jeans with even more stretch. Very slimming indeedy. Mine even have back pockets**.)

Go to the gym? Check. Sort of. I blame other people's fitness resolutions for making the gym unbearably packed with under 20's and over 40's. (The people my age don't need to go to the gym, go figure.) Zero aesthetic motivation!

So, basically, I am all ready to move back to school, start a new semester, land a new job, and dream about spring break (which I am dedicating a full post to later, since I am going somewhere exotic!). I will be living in Union Square (perilously close to the Forever 21) and it will be bustlin'. My apartment's no luxury suite in Gramercy from good old sophomore year, but it will be mine. Ohhh, all mine*** in my favorite city. Ultimate Check, indeed.

* Sushi is the only exception
** For maximum butt-minimizing effect
*** Plus my best friend/roommate Anuja's


  1. Poor you with the dodgy tummy! The move back to NYC sounds so exciting. I wish we had Forever 21 in the UK! xx

  2. I am sorry to hear about the tummy ache! But I am very happy for you, I have never been to NY and I want to badly.

    PS the tea kettle is so cute!

  3. Thanks girls! I am feeling loads better. xo

  4. Will be a wonderful semester! NYC is waiting for us :)

  5. where did you get your jeggings? haha i have been wanting a pair but can't seem to find any that are "jean" enough lol.

  6. I got them at Forever 21 this week! They are basically jeans, but very stretchy and tight, and a softer material jean. It was a good deal, 20 bucks. :)

  7. I can't believe that I still haven't bought a pair of jeggings...Time to get on that train!


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