Sunday, April 26, 2009

my chapbook

My last poetry workshop of the semester is next Friday, so I'm working on my the end-of-year chapbook which contains all of my best works. My classmates and I are going to exchange chapbooks so that each can serve as a poetic yearbook of all the great memories and progress we've shared. So sad already! I'm going to miss this class.

Mine's called "Eccentric House" because it's a compilation of my most eccentric, special pieces, from crisp haikus to long autobiographical poems. I got the name from a line of a poem I wrote on yard sales. Let me know if you'd like a copy! (I have tons and tons of poems that I haven't posted on this blog, and a few that you've seen, though edited.)


  1. PERRRRFECT for you!

    Helen Please me Too!!


    Can't wait!!!

  2. Of course, my dear! It's in the mail on the way to your hands! :)


Do share!

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