Wednesday, March 12, 2008

baby don't cry

I just came back from a poetry open mic night and starbucks run. It was lovely. The readers were beautiful, tangly-haired hipsters, abstract ripping-paper-in-pieces-and-reading-the-shreds artists. I read cummings and Yeats, the last to stand. But I felt small, like I didn't belong in this bubble of a world, just as I don't fully belong in the business world, or the music world, or the art world. How unconventional is it to balance my loves for all three?
People seem so one-track these days, and I, multi-faceted and prone to wander, feel destined to be perpetually a chameleon.

Through it all, the song "Baby Don't Cry," from the movie "Waitress" has been in my head:

Baby don't you cry, gonna make a pie, gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle.
Baby don't be blue, gonna make for you, gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle.
Gonna make a pie from heaven above, gonna be filled with strawberry love.
Baby don't you cry, gonna make a pie, and hold you forever in the middle of my heart.
I wish life were filled with more simple and sweet moments.

1 comment:

  1. If you look deeper, you will find that inside everyone is like you. Feeling outcasted and like a stranger.

    People aren't really one-tracked, but rather they force themselves to be so to escape the feeling inside.

    Also. There's nothing wrong with being a chameleon. :D


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