Wednesday, June 30, 2010

roger & gallet soap

Did I really just spontaneously buy three packs of daintily perfumed and packaged Roger & Gallet soap? Was there really no reason for purchase besides the sheer pleasure? Were they really half off? Um, is the sky blue?!

PS: Another soap I loved and of course blogged.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

botanical bulb

Anyone here with a green thumb? I went to the Brooklyn flea last weekend and found the cutest little booth - almost a garden! So many sweet little plants, especially the one in a lightbulb. My mother would love this - hi Mom!

Weirdly, during the end of a weekend like this Sunday night, I like to reflect on the weekend prior. Which means next weekend, you'll probably hear me gush about the fun activities from today (at the pride parade and a polo match)! But for now - lightbulb plant. So neat!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

my new makeup bag

Before I started interning at L'Oreal, I was far from a beauty connoisseur. I wasn't at all adventurous and simply stuck with what I knew: tinted moisturizer, mascara, and a wee bit of eyeshadow. Fast forward to present day, and I'm seriously having a ball with the many innovative, exciting products L'Oreal puts on the market.

I'm on the Garnier Fructis brand team specifically, but I'm having so much fun trying out the other brands from all beauty divisions: luxury, consumer, and professional. I actually had no intention of blogging all of these beauty items, but since I was compiling this product moodboard for my own inspiration (all L'Oreal of course!), I thought I'd share with my lovely readers! From my makeup bag to yours! There's just so much to love...

Also, coolest assignment ever: I will be marching in the NYC Gay Pride Parade tomorrow and handing out Kiehls products to the crowds. (I love my job!) Hope you have a thrilling, fun-packed weekend!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

mary poppins meets nutty professor

This is how I want to dress. Almost a year later, I still obsess over this quirky shot by the Sartorialist -- the eccentric shabby-chic look is soooo cozy and real. Being comfortable in our clothes can be much too underrated sometimes, don't you think? (And holy moly that bag!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

wise words

This week is passing by so quickly - no, scratch that, the weekend passed by so quickly! Brooklyn Flea, rooftop reading, drinks on a boat docked on the Hudson River, buying even more books... mmm, summer weekends are so yummy. They're such great opportunities to muse and dream. Instead of thinking about schoolwork or jobs, we're reflecting on the things that inspire us and the personal philosophies that shape the way we live our lives, like the messages in these great photos. So exhilarating, no? Both weekends and these wise words!

(Dreamy polaroids by Parker Fitzgerald)

Friday, June 18, 2010

happy friday + five guys

Last night, my friend Kelly and I out of a whim decided to go to the very popular Five Guy Burgers and Fries for a snack. (I know - a snack; totally ridiculous.) We both ordered "little" cheeseburgers (which were not at all little) with tons of complementary toppings (including jalapeno peppers for me!). Safe to say, Kelly and I left feeling totally satiated. (And not at all the OMG-must-undo-belt or I-feel-fat! kind of full, but a mmm-my tummy-is-happy satisfaction.) Five Guys is fantastic. I love a great burger.

Some weekend links to share...

An interesting interview with Jeremy Murrell, founder of Five Guys

The perfect nail polish for special events, aptly named "Happy Birthday"

These colorful illustrations are beautiful

I have conflicting feelings about this fashion film. What do you think?

This necklace is genius.

Happy weekend everyone!

(photo via flickr)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

vintage posters

I love vintage posters, so when I found this collection of glamorous posters from L'Oreal, my employer, I almost squealed in my cubicle! Click, save, and post. They're really representative of the history, style, and breadth of L'Oreal's many famous brands -- too lovable! I want some for my walls back home...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

vintage munro

I took a walk in the West Village last weekend, exploring my new neighborhood for the summer and its local digs: Magnolia's, bookstores, and the such. It was so peaceful, and with my old straw fedora and sandals on, summer really felt like a friend indeed. I found myself in BookBook, a fantasticly inexpensive local bookstore, and walked away with some goodies...

“In Munro’s hands, as in Chekhov’s, a short story is more than big enough to hold the world—and to astonish us again and again.” —Chicago Tribune

Which has led to lots of bedtime reading! Just finished a book by Nora Ephron, which was as hilarious as expected, and I'm currently falling in love with Alice Munro's compilation of short stories, Vintage Munro - a great introduction to the author, in my opinion. I seriously recommend it to anyone looking for an enchanting short story fix. Okay, too engrossed in my current story to blog... off to read some more!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

cinematic chat

Remember how much I raved about the Tribeca Film Festival back in April? It was one of the best experiences of my life. Well, I just had coffee with my friend Perry, whose job is within film acquisitions -- meaning he goes to film festivals, watches tons of new films, and then helps his company decide if it should try to acquire them. How lucky!

So then I started thinking about all the cool films I was fortunate to see from the TFF: the foreign films and sassy shorts, the never-before-seen U.S. premieres; and I began feeling even more motivated to keep films a constant staple in my life, along with other hobbies like writing and reading. No matter how busy or frazzled I am with life, it's becoming even more important to nurture things that make my life feel even the more satisfying. So, the message behind this self-realizing tangent? Creative outlets are my sanctuary. And I'm so grateful for them. What's your sanctuary?

PS: These photos are from my favorite films at the TFF: Micmacs and Gainsbourg, Je t'Aime... Moi Non Plus. So good! (Micmacs is directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, of Amélie fame, and is out in NYC theaters now!) Both are coincidentally French films with subtitles. Oh, how I love the French!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I love being back in NYC - I love it! So sorry for the slow posts as of late -- I just moved into my West Village apartment on Sunday and still have to install wireless internet. (Currently hawking my friend's wifi while watching the USA vs. England game.) So many things have happened this week -- work, a fun concert, and lots of food adventuring -- but I wanted to share some photos of the Taste of India festival that took place in Washington Square Park earlier today. Never have I seen so many Indian families and beautiful saris!

Look at those long lines for free Indian food!
(photos by me)

Friday, June 4, 2010

happy friday + tokyo crave

Oh my gosh, I am absolutely mesmerized... again and again:

Doesn't this just give you the travel itch? Everyone in Tokyo seems so unique and fashionable. Did you get a chance to see the Sartorialist's photos from Tokyo? If not, just scroll down on this page. Speaking of traveling, I'm moving back to Manhattan tomorrow! It was nice to see family back in PA, and Tokyo looks amazingly exotic, but NYC is home. Some Friday links to share before I pack!

Locanda Verde looks delish

This would be a great gift to a cook/singer -- I have a friend in mind already!

Susan Cernek is so stylish (I was in the same elevator w/ her once when I interned for Conde Nast - I looked frazzled, she looked fabulous.)

Wishlist: a leopard coat (faux, obvi)

Can't wait to have a rocket popcycle - reminds me of childhood :)

Rope jewelry: do or don't? I dig it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

jenny kang

Currently can't get enough of Jenny Kang (Associate Market Editor of Lucky Magazine) and her penchant for over-sized blazers. A girl after my own heart! Also adore her High-Low mixes. Vintage and Gucci? Y-y-yes pleaaase!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

prague is Lord-of-the-Rings-esque

One of my favorite film trilogies is The Lord of the Rings. I own the whole set, so I watch the films all the time. Of course Tolkien's story is magnificent, but I think the New Zealand backdrop is equally beautiful - rolling hills and old castles abundant. So much like Prague, which has the same magical, historical vibe. Some photo proof:

Prague is so very Lord-of-the-Rings-esque. The intricate, mythical details, little doors, sloping hills, ancient castles, and great halls made me immediately think "Ooh, that looks just like the Shire!" or "This could be Helms Deep. Right. NOW." I felt like I was living in a film fantasy world. It was amazing!

Okay, enough geeking around for now. Go watch LOTR if you haven't already, it's my favorite trilogy of all time. And do visit Prague, it's absolutely unforgettable. I'm so lucky to have studied abroad there.

(photos by me)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

eccentric soles for the eccentric soul

It's June! It's June! One of my favorite months, filled with birthdays, picnics, and lots of color. These shoes would be lovely to wear this month, dontcha think? Ah, Anthropologie... whetting my desire to design and purchase shoes since 1992.

(from here, here, and here)
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