Monday, October 24, 2011

4 snuggly-feeling things

Our heat finally turned on today -- thank GOODNESS. Autumn can be really annoying if you're getting up early and freezing. (I take morning showers -- it wakes me up!-- and coming out from the steam into frigid temperature is the worst.) But I like this season with my heaters working... makes me want to burrow in my apartment and stay there forever. In the name of snuggling, here's 4 things that bring out the snuggly in me...

Fireplaces. Real or fake.

Autumn-y decor. Always makes me feel warm (and appreciative of being inside)!

Cashmere scarf. (Anything cashmere will do)

A comfy armchair + thick blanket. Heaven.

What makes you feel snuggly? Wool socks? Hot cocoa? A snuggle buddy? All of the above? :)


  1. The cashmere scarf looks beautifully snuggly :) I love to wrap up warm in knits this time of year :)

    Love, Vanilla

  2. Mmmmm that fireplace. Cute and cozy :) And I need to wrap myself up in that blanket ASAP!

  3. This post definitely makes me want to curl up and snuggle!!! Love that fireplace. I've seen one like that that they weren't using, but they had put a bunch of old wine bottles and candles in it and it looked so cool!

  4. This makes me think of our potential winter vacation in some cozy place somewhere! Things that make me feel snuggly: steaming hot mugs of tea, men's chunky cable knit sweaters, L.L. Bean's "wicked good" moccasins, pumpkin-flavored anything, and the smell of burning leaves!


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