Monday, March 7, 2011

rockwell brooklyn

This Saturday, I ventured out with friends to see the Brooklyn Museum. My favorite part of the trip was the Norman Rockwell exhibit, which was filled with Rockwell's four decades worth of drawings for the Saturday Evening Post (which is kind of ironic that we went on a Saturday evening!). Now I can truly understand why his work is iconic -- they so powerfully captured American history and lifestyle. I was in complete awe!

I also had no idea that he staged many of his illustrations (like the ones above) by taking and later combining photos to create an illustration. He's very much a director of his art, which is neat.

Those last two shots ("The Problem We All Live With" and "Little Girl Observing Lovers") are my favorite, and I was so lucky to see them in person! We walked around for hours through all five floors of the museum, and almost forgot about dinner. Finally, by 9pm, we stopped for some a Polish feast in Williamsburg. It was a nice little Saturday trip, indeed.

(To learn more about Norman's work, read this and this.)


  1. My friend gave me a cookie tin with a normal rockwell engraving on the front...I loved it so much I still have it (I think? Did I throw it out in my last room purge?....)

    Happy Monday!

  2. there is something totally fabulous about his work - it's so cool that you got to see it in person!

  3. I like the last one.:D

    ***** Marie *****


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