Monday, February 23, 2009

a post secret POV

(photo via post secret)

My friend Megan and I are addicted to Post Secret -- we check it as soon as a new batch of "postcard secrets" arrives every Sunday. The romantic ones make me smile, some strike a literary note, (a few are disturbing), but most are completely relatable and remind me that we all share some very human experiences in this twisty road that is life.

What do you think of the above secret? Does life "suck" now that you're older and more responsible, and things are more complicated? I'm not sure if I can completely agree, because a big part of myself likes my "grown-up" side a lot. It's a tough call, don't you think?


  1. There are definitely more things to worry about and more responsibilities. It isn't all play. But if you think about it, our lives have a bit more meaning now that we are older too. I'll take it. :)

  2. I definitely think my life has more meaning, but it makes me sad to hear that people sometimes think the opposite. I've only recently realized that not everybody is as optimistically inclined as us :(

  3. Haha we had to do a post secret thing at Palladium once so I submitted one...I'll tell you about that next time we converse ;-)

  4. You told me about it already! So funny how things are coming into fruition...


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